โดย Nichakorn Tantivanichanon

ปี 2011

บทคัดย่อ (Abstract)

The purposes of this study are: 1) to evaluate the recreational value derived by visitors at each tourism province (Single Site) in the Eastern region, 2) to specify the factors that influence the visitors’ annual visiting rate in the Eastern region, and 3) to estimate the probability of visitor’s reservation on accommodation, transportation, tourism site, and vacation package for multiple sites in the Eastern region through the internet in aspect of the tourism promotion program. This study employs the Individual Travel Cost Method (ITCM) for Single Site Model and the General Logit Model for Multiple Sites Model. Secondary data used in this study are collected by the Department of Tourism, Ministry of Tourism & Sports. The samples size of

visitors to the Eastern region in 2009 is 12,352 for Thai visitors and 7,717 for foreign visitors.

Download : Strategic Economic Assessment Of The Tourism Promotion Program In The Eastern Region Of Thailand